7th Meeting: Main Idea

 Hello! happy Saturday for all of you. Yesterday my class have a makeup class for Interpretative Reading, the actual schedule was actually last Monday but maybe my lecturer was really busy at that time so she couldn't make it. Anyways, yesterday we had a virtual meeting and discuss pretty much about this topic. My lecturer explained to my class about what is the topic about, what should we do for this topic, and then we start to discuss about yesterday's topic. I also discussing with my friends to find out the answer of the topic via teams, my lecturer made a brake room for each groups to discuss about the topic. It's actually pretty fun, and I guess I talked more than the previous week before. Bye the way, yesterday was the busiest Friday I ever had since this semester was start, my class had three virtual meetings since morning until noon.

Back to the main story, yesterday's topic was Main Idea. What is Main Idea? Main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. It states the purpose and sets the direction of the paragraph or passage. Main idea doesn't always have to come from the beginning of the paragraph but most of main ideas came from the beginning of the paragraph, main idea could be stated in the middle of the paragraph and at the end of the paragraph. My class were given eight exercise about this topic, the first exercise was working in group to find the best main idea of each paragraph were given, actually I already mention it on the first paragraph. The second and third exercise I have to find the main idea that it is not in the topic sentence, I have to search the main idea and stating the topic of the paragraph, there are choices of the best statement of the paragraph and I have to circle which one is the best statement for each paragraph. Exercise fourth was about stating the main idea, the topic of each paragraph is already written so I have to find the main idea of the paragraph. Exercise five until eight were pretty much the same as activity fourth but the topic for each paragraph isn't stated so I also have to find the topic for each paragraph. Oh, by the way the exercise were given through Microsoft teams. Have a good day! 


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