6th Meeting: Topics of Paragraphs

 This week has also come and this week is also my 6th week of college, I mean yup the time sure flying fast xD. Ok, so yesterday we had meeting through virtually, actually we've always do that since the beginning of starting the class but I just forget to mention it. Yesterday we were shown off about new topic that is 'Topics of Paragraph' and before we get into it, we were also reviewing about the last meeting's topic and the problems of the activity. In between that my lecturer gave our class some life lessons and giving some advices that what should we have done for this life, and then we started to viewing the snippets of this topic.

First we should have know what is paragraph, paragraph is a group of sentences that fleshes out a single idea. In order for a paragraph to be effective, it must begin with a topic sentence, have sentences that support the main idea of that paragraph, and maintain a consistent flow. And topic of paragraph is the sentence in which the main idea is stated. Basically on this topic I am learning about paragraph in basic and have to know which topic is the paragraph stated, on this topic there were nine activity were given, exercise one was about stating which is paragraph or not. Exercise two and three was deciding which topic is the best for each paragraph and making sure that the topic is not too general or specific. Exercise four until seven was no different with exercise two&three but I have to think and decide which topic is the best for each paragraph. Exercise eight was about to complete the missing topic sentence, and then the last exercise we have to read each paragraph and underline which is the topic sentence on each paragraph that were given. All of exercise is pretty though I still couldn't manage to understand all but I have tried my best to figured out my mistakes and keep learning.


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