My Day

 What's up? I will tell you about my day in this morning. Today i woke up at 8AM and took a bath at 9AM, i spent my time to scrolling on my phone before i'm going to take a shower. Since i have some e-learning and virtual meet for today's course i had to hurry so i could be more prepared. But, it wasn't smooth at all my internet connection was so bad i had to change from wifi to cellular data for 4 times (i guess) and i was about to move my virtual meeting through my pc but i couldn't hear the participant so i had to stay on my phone. After that it was going so smooth until the electricity went off, my wifi went off and my internet connection was so poor so my meeting was disconnected by one side. I want to join again but the internet were so slow and my phone batteries almost died so i give up.

As for today i was working on a quiz that my lecturer gave to my class, the quiz are not so hard (probably) but it's fun to have some quizzes like that. I really enjoy it honestly, but it's not a quiz if it doesn't have a confusing choice in the answers. The quizzes also trained me to have a better listening skills since i've always being fooled by the answer choices whenever there was a quiz like that. And also i could learn more similar sounds that have a different meanings (e.g. Rain and Train).


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