As for This Week

 Okay, so every thursday i have listening course and last thursday there were so many listening audio unlike the last weekend and last 2 weekend. Truthfully since i was in high school i don't really like listening on English quizes because i felt my ears were gonna exploded by the conversation but, right now im getting used to by the audio and i enjoyed it actually. I could know many vocabulary and how to pronounce it correctly and how it's prounounced in British accent because since i was a little i've always heard American accent, when i was watching a movie that has some casts talking in British accent sometimes i was confused because i had no idea what were he/she said.

For this week except taking an online classes i barely do anything and i was super bored, i was talked with my friend on phone but still it's not that much for relieving my boredom. I've watched some dramas but the dramas only airs one of episodes weekly so i have to be patient for waiting the dramas airing on web.


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